This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Nextflow for Reproducible Scientific Analysis

Key Points

  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)

Introduction to Workflows
  • A workflow is a series of tasks to process data.

  • A workflow framework is a set of tools that allow you to compose tasks, connect them together, and process data.

  • There are many workflow frameworks available.

  • Nextflow is reproducible, portable, simple, extensible, well designed, open source, and supported.

The Nextflow Language
  • Nextflow is written in the Groovy computer language.

  • Channels and Processes are the fundamental data structures of Nextflow.

  • A workflow script is run using nextflow run <>.

  • A process has five parts: directives, input, output, when, and the script.

  • Each process task runs from it’s own directory.

  • A process only executes when there is a complete process input declaration.

  • Selected process output can be saved to a folder using publishDir.

  • Directives control process execution behaviour.

  • Channels pass data into and out of processes.

  • There are two types of channel, queue and value channels.

  • Each channel must have it’s own input channel.

  • Channels can be manipulated using channel operators.

Workflow Configuration
  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)

Software Package Managers
  • Commands are expected to be available from the shell PATH.

  • Environment modules can provide centrally managed software environments.

  • Conda can provide user managed software environments

  • Container platforms can provide self-contained software environments, and are recommended for reproducibility.

The new Nextflow syntax - DSL2
  • The workflow block describes the workflow.

  • Workflows can be modularised.

  • Channel forking is now implicit.

Converting your project to Nextflow
  • Use an organised folder structure.

  • Start by making process templates for code.

  • Refactor once the workflow logic is in place.

  • Make a test data set.

Supplementary: Version control
  • Nextflow can run workflows from version control platforms.

  • Version control can aid workflow development.

Supplementary - Nextflow on Grid Computing Infrastructures
  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)

Supplementary - Nextflow on Cloud Computing Infrastructures
  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)

Supplementary - Nextflow on Cloud Computing Infrastructures
  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)

## Reference

Introduction to workflows

Nextflow syntax
